The Time River: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and The Great Cross at Hendaye by Jay Weidner
" The sky has born you with Orion "
- The Pyramid Texts
Prophecy, Spirit and the Dreamtime: The Last Frontier by Jay Weidner
The mythology of our modern, high-tech culture teaches us that…
Innocent Murder - The Real Story Of JonBenet's Death by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridge
Genesis 1: 18 - ". . .to govern the day and the night, and…
The Culling by Jay Weidner
Author's note: This is an updated essay that first appeared in…
Alchemy and Time: How the Rediscovery of the Philosopher’s Stone leads to the Golden Age by Jay Weidner
Cultures all over the world have legends and myths that bear…
Childhood’s End: The Agony of Our Collective Puberty by Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose
The passage from childhood to adulthood happens when the child…