The Culling by Jay Weidner
Author’s note: This is an updated essay that first appeared in the book Secrets and Suppressed II from Feral House Publishing. Copyright 2008.
There is a plan.
The Plan has been in effect for 35 years, at least, possibly over a hundred years.
I have a name for the Plan. I call it The Culling.
The final stages of the Plan, The Culling, are about to occur.
The idea for the Plan isn’t all that new. It was born long ago with the writings of Thomas Malthus. His ideas were taken up eagerly by the British aristocratic class.
Malthus worked for the East India Trading Company in the early 1800’s and he had traveled the world. One of his hobbies was examining populations and understanding population growth. Malthus had done the figures and things just didn’t add up. Eventually, according to his figures, there would be too many people. This fact would trigger massive famines that would wipe out most of the Earth’s population.
This wasn’t prophecy, it was science.
Everyone over the age of 50 remembers the best selling book The Population Bomb by Paul Elrich. Elrich was a follower of Malthus and he managed to scare the hell out of the entire Baby Boomer generation. Due mostly to Elrich’s influence many of the people, who came of age in the 1970’s, voluntarily agreed to cut their numbers by having less, or in many cases, no children.
In that book from the 1970’s Elrich predicted that overpopulation would bring on a famine that would destroy most of the world’s populations. This famine would start, he said, sometimes in the late 1970’s, and by the late 1980’s, there would be hardly anyone left.
Just a few years later, in 1980, after Paul Elrich’s book The Population Bomb was published a strange monument was built in the small town of Elberton, Georgia called the George Guidestones, which seemed to address some of the same issues that Elrich was dealing with in his book. The Georgia Guidestones are truly a bizarre and haunting construct.
Financed by an anonymous gentleman who called himself R.C. Christian, the Georgia Guidestones appear to be providing the people of the future with a new set of rules for proper government. The new rules appear to have been devised through the power of reason.
At that time Mr. R.C. Christian gave the owner of a local granite company in Elberton, a large sum of money and the blueprint for the granite monument. Mr. Christian also instructed the builder as to what the words on the monument would say.
He had carefully written a new set of Ten Commandments that were to be etched into the face of the granite on the monument. The message to the people of the future was written in eight different languages.
Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Ancient Chinese, and Russian. The message in English reads:
* Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature*
* Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
* Unite humanity with a living new language.
* Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
* Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
* Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a one world court
* Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
* Balance personal rights with social duties.
* Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
* Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
As in the Ten Bill of Rights to the US Constitution and the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament, the first Right, or Commandment, is the most important of the ten. That is why it is first.
Both the Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments are similar in that the last nine are there largely to enforce the first law or Right. In the US Constitution the primary freedom is the right to press, speech and religion. The other Rights are there to support that very important first Right.
With the Georgia Guidestones the same rule applies. The last nine Commandments appear to only go into effect after Commandment Number One is completed. If one were following the logic implied, then the world ruled by reason, which the last nine commandments appear to be describing, can only occur when eleven out of twelve people currently alive on the planet die away.
The Georgia Guidestones, it has been argued by conspiracy theorists, is a 10 Commandments for the New World Order. The first Commandment of the Guidestones is the declaration to reduce the world’s population from the current six billion to 500 million.
When I was Producing the feature documentary 2012: The Odyssey, we interviewed Gary Jones, editor of the Elberton Star, the local newspaper in the town near the Guidestones. He said that local Masons were the ones behind the building of the Guidestones.
Yoko Ono, Ted Turner, Mikhail Gorbechev and many others have commented on how much they admire the Georgia Guidestones and their message.
In that same film we also explored the strange murals, plaques and rumors that surround Denver Airport. This modern, public facility has some weird similarities to the Georgia Guidestones.
Beginning in the late 1980’s and eventually finished in the mid 1990′ s, the Denver Airport was the top project for Denver Mayor Fredrico Pena and other civic leaders of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
Even the idea of a new airport in Denver was odd. The old airport, Stapleton Airport, was perfectly fine as an international airport for the Rocky Mountains area.
The new airport project was under funded from the beginning of its construction and eventually went way over budget. It took years longer than expected to be finished.
Also all during the long construction there were consistent reports and rumors concerning the idea that there was a huge military base being built co-currently underneath the new Denver Airport.
People in the area reported that they heard sounds coming from deep underground during the construction. According to nearby neighbors thousands of truckloads of dirt was removed from the area over the years.
Other stories were getting around, some concerned with a secret government plan to avert total destruction in the advent of a disaster, either man made or natural. This plan was called COG for Continuity of Government.
COG is a plan that we know exists because Dick Cheney reported to the press that many of his odd actions during the September 11th tragedy were because he was following the rules of COG or continuity of government. So Bush flying to Offutt Air Base in Omaha on that day may have been part of the COG plan. See:
COG was a government plan to save itself by always keeping the option open for the sudden need for the leaders and elites to be able to disappear into an underground bunker.
Was it possible that the rumored underground base built under the Denver Airport was part of COG? Denver with its high altitude and being close to the center of the country could serve as a last-ditch escape hatch for the elites of our country. Since it would take just about the same time to get to Denver from the farthest reaches of the 48 contiguous states and because there were already underground bunkers under Pikes Peak at NORAD the choice of Denver and the nearby Rockies would be obvious.
Perhaps the rumors of underground trains moving from under the airport into the bowels of the Rocky Mountains is not so far fetched either.
The rumors are rampant in the Denver area concerning the base underneath the Denver Airport. Painters and dry wall installers talk of elevators that go down 30 to 40 stories and ex-intelligence spooks talk of underground trains into bowels of the Rockies.
As if the Denver Airport mystery weren’t weird enough, there are two other odd things about the airport that warrant a close examination and have a direct link to the major aspect of this thesis.
The first is the odd plaque and monument that sits at the south end of the airport. This is a stone monument built and placed here at the airport by the local Colorado Freemasons. There is a dedication to the airport from the Grandmaster of the Freemasons as well as thanking several other Colorado luminaries like Fredrico Pena and others. The plaque sits in the middle of what is referred to as by the Freemasons.
The Denver weekly newspaper Westword looked into it the whole story. See
The artist Leo Tanguma has changed his story. His first story, in 1995, was that he was commissioned and told exactly what to paint, now, according to Westword in 2007, he says that he was the one who decided what to paint. Does it sound like normal operating procedure to just pay an artist to paint whatever he likes in a public airport, an airport that has a Masonic influence? Not likely. More likely is that they told him exactly what to paint.
There are four murals located between the baggage claims area and the center under the giant towering tent that makes up the central building of the airport.
The first mural depicts the children of the world surrounding a psychedelic cactus of some kind their faces filled with jubilation.
The second mural is where things begin to get a disturbing. This mural shows three people, two children and a native American woman lying in coffins. Behind these three dead people are all of the animals who have gone extinct in the last few hundred years. Behind the extinct animals is an immense forest fire which appears to be burning up the world.
The third mural has the children of the world beating a sword into a plowshare.
The last mural though is the most disturbing and why it sits in a major airport is a great question. The mural shows a Nazi like figure wearing a gas mask and carrying a huge rifle. He walks down the streets of a haunted deserted town apparently looking for victims. Hiding in the floors and walls of the town are poor people who are frightened and crying. The Nazi-figure is piercing the breast of a white dove with the bayonet on his rifle.
The Denver Airport murals appear to be telling us that if we go one way all the children of the world, all of the people of the world, will be united. If, on the other hand, we go the other way, there will be Nazis going down the street murdering everyone, leading to an extinction event that will kill all of us.
The Georgia Guidestones and the Denver Airport are both recent constructs. An investigation into each reveals a deep Masonic influence. Both offer a clear message of what is to come.
These two constructs, the Guidestones in Georgia and the odd airport on the edge of The Great Plains have something in common. By looking at the two monuments together, we can see a symbolic opening into the Plan.
It is as if someone could not keep their mouths shut. Or maybe they, whomever they are, have to tell us about what will happen. But they do it in a code, or a symbolic language, that is obvious to those on the inside and missing in action to those on the outside.
This symbolic code seems to be saying that if we become a world of only five hundred million people, as the first Commandment of the Georgia Guidestones tells us, then the children of the world will live in peace and they will beat their swords into plowshares, in other words, they will be living in peace, with no war.
On the other hand if we do not cull the population then we face certain extinction and, or, Nazis in the street, killing us one by one.
We can see that these two monuments or constructs, helped to be built by local Freemasons, have much in common. But is it possible that there is only a fringe element of the elites who believes in this dream of a world with a substantial population loss? Is it all Masons, or just certain Masons, who are pursuing the dream of depopulation, better construed as a nightmare.?
Unfortunately the answer is no. Population reduction appears to have been a major preoccupation of all the ruling elite for quite a while.
Many pf these elite groups have been pursuing the “problem” of over-population for decades. The Club of Rome, The Trilateralists, the Crown. George Soros, Karl Popper and others were part of a research group devoted to examining methods of depopulation.
The Rockefellers were also heavily involved with financing the eugenics movements of the early twentieth century. The Bush family has always been interested in population control, abortion and even eugenics.
The elites have a long and well known history of race based eugenics, abortion freedom, funding of depopulation thinkers and other such think tanks.
Some conspiracy theorists, on both the left and the right, believe that population control is the number one goal of the elites.
It is as if the elites, sometime after Darwin published his book on evolution, began designing philosophies based on their own warped version of Darwinism. Possibly this is why one sees the emergence of Nazism, Communism, Fascism, Zionism and a hundred other “isms” after Darwin published his famous Origin of Species.
The most infamous of these social Darwinists was Adolf Hitler. The Third Reich rose to power riding a wave of Hitler’s racial, Darwinist ideas. The major driving factor of this emerging “evolutionary” meme was that, once the rules of Darwinian evolution were properly understood, the real truth of Nature is that only one group can be at the top. This emerging new philosophy believed that survival of the fittest is the only rule of nature.
This new polity served to destroy the last vestiges of the ancient values of the old initiatory bodies of Europe and America. Traditional beliefs in Liberty, Fraternity and Equality gave way to a more selfishly-derived ethos. Ideas like freedom and equality were quaint but had no place in a world ruled by dominance and by the fierce reality borne out of the elites’ superficial understanding of evolution.
Darwin and his scientific viewpoint inadvertently gave rise to a self centered philosophy which basically, in the end, said that it was better to wipe out everyone who is not of your kind. Perhaps more importantly this new philosophy was saying that if you and your race are not pursuing this line of logic, you will lose, because there is surely another race, or culture, that is thinking this way.
Whomever gets there first wins. But what is there? In the sense of these emerging post-Darwinist philosophies, these newly discovered “rules” of nature would dictate that all other competitors will have to be killed. The ‘there’ that the elites were seeking was a world where your kind, your race, succeeded only at the cost of all the other races, who would have to fail.
It is in and from this idea of racial and cultural superiority, carried out with technology, that the idea for The Culling was born.
In a Darwinist sense, moral values and ethics were now useless and antiquated artifacts that served to inhibit the natural racial desire to conquer and be the dominant species, culture or race.
It is true that the idea of racial superiority had been around a long time before Darwin but now the difference with those old slave masters and stuffy European aristocrats was palatable. Darwin gave, to all the intelligent, but racist, people of the elites, an intellectual reason to spring into action.
The beginnings of the eugenics movement, the large world wars, the spread of disease, the destruction of the environment, it is argued by many theorists, is merely a long term plan by the elites to attempt to curtail population growth.
In reality the theories of Malthus and Elrich appear to be wrong. Standing here in the first decade of the 21st century it is easy to see that the world did not die and disappear from famines brought on through overpopulation. In fact the population was and is growing faster every year. If the plan of the elites is to reduce population they have been failing miserably.
With the population of the Earth, quickly approaching seven billion people, it is as if almost everything Malthus and Elrich said was incorrect.
But why were they so wrong? Many historians, and others, will tell you that advancements in farming techniques created a vast food supply. This is why the expected famines did not arrive. These experts argue that man’s ingenuity has kept the food supply rising with the growing population. This is the so called “Green” Revolution in farming.
Financed by the Rockefellers, the Green Revolution was put into place by the United Nations to teach the farmers of the third world modern agricultural methods. See
These farmers, who in many cases had been tilling the same soil as their fathers and grand fathers, were encouraged to exchange their ancient farming practices for modern methods. The peasant farmer, with his animal driven plows, was replaced by gigantic machines and combines that vastly increased food production all over the world.
In fact the financing of the Green Revolution is often used to show conspiracy theorists how wrong they are about our rulers. The Rockefellers, always an easy target for conspiracy buffs, were one of the major financiers of the Green Revolution which was feeding millions of hungry people every day. Didn’t this prove that instead of following the path towards depopulation, they and the other elites, were actually assisting the world in finding new ways to grow food and feed themselves?
The leaders of our world have appeared, by their actions, intent on proving Malthus and Elrich wrong. Instead of embracing depopulation, the elites talked of free trade, globalization and the spreading of democracy.
Have the aristocratic classes changed their minds about Malthus and depopulation? Is that why they were encouraging the poor of the world to abandon ancient farming methods in favor of the modern ways?
There is one thing that the creators of the Green Revolution were not telling the third world farmers and their sponsors in the UN: it will only work if the farmers have access to cheap oil.
The same thing can be said about the advocates of Free Trade. The only way that the global economy can work, the only way to power the processing and shipping of goods and services that runs the global economy, is by having endless amounts of cheap oil.
But the real question is why would these same elites, who only a few years ago were openly talking of plans for depopulation, now have changed their minds? Why would these very wealthy people now also be spreading the idea of a Green Revolution, a Global economy, free trade, essentially a world government that some have called the New World Order?
It doesn’t make sense. Why bother going on with the pretense that they are going to create a great future for all of humanity if the ultimate game plan is the opposite? If the real game plan is depopulation why go on with this veneer of an emerging world government, global economies and free trade?
Is there a disconnect among the elites? Have they really stopped their hundred year long grandiose idea concerning depopulation of the Earth? Did they grow somehow benevolent in the last 30 years?
The answer to that important question is that the two memes, globalization and the Green Revolution are working together to achieve the real goal, which is, and has always been, depopulation.
The central idea is this: Globalization and the Green Revolution lead to depopulation.
Stay with me and we will see how this works.
For many years now the elites have funded many think tanks and Pentagon studies looking for ways to reduce the population. There have been many scenarios by these think tanks and studies put forth to keep the population in check. Many have argued that war, AIDS, drugs, easy access to weapons, are all purposely implemented policies by the elites to reduce certain undesirable populations.
But still, given the notion that depopulation is the desired goal, after a hundred years of trying, it is not working. The elites discovered that people are tenacious. It is very difficult to kill something that does not want to die. Ask any hunter. Through out the twentieth century the elites path towards the goal of population reduction has never really worked. Despite the best efforts of our leaders, the population just keeps rising.
By the late 1960’s and the early 1970’s I believe that the situation was getting desperate for the elites. No matter how they tried they could not reduce the population of the world. This is when they began funding even more serious think tanks that were devoted to the study of depopulation. Paul Elrich rose out of these think tanks. The Club of Rome, the Trilateralists and many others all searched for an answer to the problem that apparently could not be solved.
An answer to the dilemma had to be found. The situation on the planet was growing perilous. This time they had to find an answer that would work for sure. The plan would have to be two-fold, that is, two things would have to be accomplished.
The first thing this plan would have to insure is that those that they wanted to disappear would die and, two, there had to be a viable escape hatch for the wealthy and others.
One of the first scenarios that appeared on the scene was the possibility of using bio-weapons to achieve a lower population. We know from Congressional testimony, in the 1970’s, that biological solutions were tried and discarded. AIDS, which may have come out of the biological weapons lab at Fort Dietrich, was devastating but proved to difficult to spread. The problem with viruses and other biological attack schemes was the possibility that they could backfire and spread into the very populations that wished to survive. That path was eventually deemed too risky for the elites.
After much trial and error they finally they did come up with a plan. This one would accomplish the two goals stated above and its success was almost one hundred percent assured.
I believe the final plan was hatched in the mid 1970’s with the first oil shocks coming from OPEC. For those old enough to remember OPEC managed to tripled the price of gas in a few weeks time, the leaders of the world began to consider what the world would look like without cheap oil. Since most of these men had investments in the major oil companies it would be an obvious question to ask, especially in the mid-1970’s.
The leaders came to the startling conclusion that it would be the industrialized north, the United States, Canada and Europe that would be the most devastated by the end of cheap oil. Because these countries were considered “advanced” economies they had an over-dependence on cheap oil almost an addiction really. These men, and we can imagine who they are, realized that the entire economy would fail if there were no more cheap oil.
But they also noticed something else that really scared them. They saw that the third world countries, where they still farmed like they had done for millennia, would survive. In fact these countries, mostly non-white, might even thrive in the event of an oil shortage. They saw that it was the abundant supplies of oil that had caused the people of the western world to forget how to grow their own food without oil.
I believe it that it was with this realization that they began to hatch the Plan. The people involved were all in the oil business and they knew where and how much oil lay in the ground for the most part. All they had to do was control the oil at the source. Of course there were a few renegade countries that produced oil that may not allow foreigners to inspect their wells and control their oil. These countries and ay other renegade states would all be targeted.
If they could control the entire supply of the world’s oil then the Plan would succeed. But it was the second part of the Plan that would insure that The Culling would happen correctly, on schedule, and with all of the possible problems solved. That part of the Plan had to do with globalization and the Green Revolution. What they saw had happened to the west, with the forgetting about how to produce food without oil had to be spread throughout the world.
This is the real reason for the mad rush towards globalization and the many Green Revolutions in the last thirty years. The key part of the Plan was to globalize the economies of the world as quickly as possible.
The answers to all of their troubles i.e. the key to reducing the population lay inside the Plan. With the Plan they would be able to get rid of everyone they wanted and still survive themselves. The great Darwinian finish would then be at hand and one race would win in the end. The rules of Nature would succeed.
In the 1970’s they saw that the answer to proper population reduction, their master plan, lay in the idea of providing cheap oil to the world’s population. Using the Green Revolution and globalization as their selling points they would get the entire world addicted to petroleum. After addicting the world to the oil, they would take it away, leaving everything to fall into chaos.
One of the things that they realized right away was that they had to get the cheap oil into every corner of the Earth for a thirty year period. They had to supply nearly the entire world with cheap oil for at least one generation for The Plan to work. If The Plan was to be successful it was necessary to have the entire population of the Earth totally dependent on oil for at least a thirty year period. The older generation, the one that still knew how to till the soil using the ancient methods, had to die away. People had to forget how to grow their own food without oil.
This is why the Rockefeller’s and the Trilateralists (who came together in the early 1970’s) financed the Green Revolution which taught people all over the world to abandon their old farming practices and trade them in for a farming method based one hundred percent on oil.
This is the reason that they shoved globalization down our throats.
But is the current situation with Peak Oil a scam? Since the Rockefellers made their billions owning Standard Oil, and since former President and Vice President Bush and Cheney are both “oil men”, one can conclude that a scam would not be beyond the imagination.
There is a lot of research that says that there is an immense amount of oil still locked up in the ground.
But it will take a lot of oil to get that oil, whether it be in the shale in western Colorado or the sands of Alberta, Canada. This is not even considering the extensive environmental damage these extraction methods will require to successfully mine the world’s vast supply of oil.
Looking at most of the available data on oil, it does appear that we are beginning to run out of sweet crude. The Saudis will not let anyone audit their fields and we know that they are pumping 10 million gallons of sea water a day into their biggest fields. That tells us that they have used up the light crude and are now hitting the bottom of the barrel where the oil is more like tar and they need the sea water to loosen it up to be able to pump it out.
The first thing the US did when it got the Marines into Iraq was to audit the oil fields and find out how much crude was down there. It is rumored that the experts were shocked at how much oil Sadaam had pumped from the fields.
There was only one other country which has a lot of oil and is not allowing an audit. That is Iran.
If there is a Plan, then it would be logical that the next place of tension in the world will be Iran. For the Plan to work they must be in control of all of the oil.
The argument here is not whether there is a Peak Oil scam or not. The argument is that is that this entire ordeal is being put into place to create a situation of sudden and irreversible population reduction. This will be done as scientifically as possible. It will be done without remorse or qualm.
First they needed to weaken the strongest countries by getting them to cooperate in creating an world wide interactive economic structure without any centralization of economic power. In other words: Globalization.
Industrious countries like the US had to lose their ability to do everything for themselves. The world must become interdependent for everything to work. The leaders of the World Trade Commission, the Trilateralists and others told us this was being done to help create a more neighborly world, a place where we would know each other better because we now traded freely.
Considering the character of the men who devised the Plan these seemingly benevolent reasons sounds rather dubious. The real hidden agenda of Globalization is to weaken the strong so that they would not be able to save themselves.
Advocates of Globalization – the World Trade Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc. – all have argued that the new economy’s products should be created in an multi-national environment with a huge reliance on plastics and cheap transportation.
What they didn’t tell us was that all of this miraculous globalization of the economy is one hundred percent dependent on cheap oil.
No cheap oil, globalization collapses.
The entire New World Order is built on the foundation of having access to easy, cheap oil.
Did they not realize this? Did the leaders of the globalization effort not understand that their global economy, their Green Revolution, would only succeed if they had access to the cheap stuff?
Remember this group counts amongst it members the scions of the founders of the oil economy. It is these same families who have financed these many groups promoting the New World Order.
If anyone knows oil, they know oil.
It is a plan that is brilliant, malevolently brilliant, but genius all the same. Globalization married with the Green Revolution created the resulting destruction of ancient, sustainable, farming practices. Globalization has also removed people from the land and forced them into the city. A perfect trap for The Culling.
Once they remove cheap oil from the transaction, the entire apparatus will crumble. And it will be a spectacular failure. An All-Fall-Down that takes everything, or almost everything, with it.
It will start with the advent of expensive gasoline which will lead to a huge losses in the food supply. Most likely China and/or India will be the first to get hit. The US, Argentina and Europe will send rice and food to those and other famine-wracked countries, but soon they will discover their own supplies beginning to run down.
Much of the valuable farming land in the US is now going towards growing corn for ethanol. This coupled with the increase in gas prices will cause food prices to skyrocket in this country.
When gas hits 10 dollars a gallon, and more, the food supply chain will fall completely apart. You will only be able to get what you eat locally.
The entire world economy, now knitted together by the New World Order, will also all fall together.
The Plan went into its final chapter on September 11th, 2001. With the events in New York and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it should now be obvious to any thinking person that there is a concerted movement by some force, towards chaos, famine and endless wars. They are doing this because they believe that these events will lead to a dramatic reduction in population.
The first signs of real danger will be when the people in the inner city figure out that there is no work. And even if there were jobs it will soon cost too much for gasoline to justify going to work and back. Mass transit systems will begin to fail as they have to keep raising their prices because of increasing energy costs. This will freeze out the poorer who will no longer be able to afford simple bus fare.
Regular maintenance of roads and infrastructures will soon become so costly that they will simply not be done. Roads and highways will fall apart soon after the maintenance stops.
The cities will explode when the food supply chain becomes so disrupted that the food is too expensive to transport from the country to the cities. Many factions – mostly of an ethnic nature – will explode, warring against each other as the fight for survival begins.
Those with the most guns and best organizations will win these initial conflicts. Those who are not prepared will face an endless series of disasters. No doubt War-Lords will emerge from the cities and break out into the countryside where there will still be food. The people in the country will have to get ready for attacks from the city folks who will be mighty desperate, hungry and pissed.
Those in the country, especially those who have land and animals, will be better off than their cousins in the cities. But still there will be huge problems. Due to Globalization and the Green Revolution they will face the uneasy dilemma that nearly no one really knows how to successfully feed themselves. How many of us know how to raise chickens, milk a goat or a cow, or even plant a big enough garden just to feed ourselves?
We have been cut off from the knowledge that our ancestors, only one or two generations ago, had from day one. We simply have forgotten how to feed ourselves.
Without cheap oil there will be no cheap food.
According to the Plan, the end of this age will be one of total and complete chaos.
This is The Culling.
According to the Plan five to six billion people will be dead before The Culling is completed.
According to the Plan, the chosen elites will wait it out. Inside their citadels, inside their underground bunkers, each person who has a seat on these modern Noah’s Arks will have done something to deserve being saved.
The others will not be so lucky.
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